Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Library

A place I could spend hours in...

I have heard it said before that the library is the place to consult heroes.

It is where we get a snapshot of what someone's life looked like.  It is where we are taught and where we form our opinions.

One of my favorite summer pastimes...go and spend hours in a library. Pick a subject, grab a handful of books, then read and read. Go on rabbit trails.

Summer is for reading!

Until next time,
Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Quick Update

Dear Friend, 
I has been way too long.
But don't worry, I have still been reading.
On my mind tonight is this short passage from C.S. Lewis' Last Battle. 
An excellent ending to a series that each time I read I discover something new.
Happy Reading!